Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chapter 1

I’m metaphorically blowing the dust off the top of my online journal. I had about a year ago toyed with the idea of reopening the Pandora’s Box that is xanga, “ThenGodSaidLetThereBeNick” (it’s still there, check it out). Then I decided I should be somewhat relevant and check out the blog websites of those people who actually take this seriously. My main turn off in keeping a journal is that my journal is limited completely to what I’m able to experience. What I mean in writing this is that my life is completely engulfed in mundane and monotonous activities that bring with them no promise of excitement or vitality. My excitement is limited to men’s soccer league games and spending time with my girlfriend. Whereas my previous life as a childish 20 something was consumed with road trips, concerts and randomness. I know this is not the settling in of my “adult life” because this onslaught of work and monotony is surely going to pass once I attain that ultimate goal of a full time job with salary and benefits. And even though it is in the near future it is still a long way off.

Yet, at the same time there is life to be discovered in my 16 hour work days and excitement in my broad range of employment. There is still a soundtrack to my life and there are still struggles that are existential in nature that I encounter carrying a weed eater as opposed to hiking a mountain. This blog will grant me the opportunity and oblige me the ritual of exploring events in my day that could have easily snuck by me, had I not reflected on what occurred between my eyes opening and closing. More importantly it’s an opportunity to express my life in a more holistic manner as opposed to the ego-tastic twitter (which I have never and will never be a part of.) This is far more intimate and obviously exponentially more informative then 200 characters. My main burden is not only delving into my day(s), but putting a subtle charm which makes me sound intuitive but not arrogant. I’ve never needed an excuse to share my life, just a starting off point. If I’m going to be any good at this blogging I just have to take a leap and begin typing.

I promise to be transparent and conversational in my style of writing, which is the whole point right? There will be no apologies for the guilty pleasures I reveal and the events that occur because this is me and my life. Unless I have wronged anyone I will not beg forgiveness of anyone. My goals are to bring out of myself humility, purely an onlooker and not of a judge, but at the same time be critical of the experiences I have. Hopefully at some point I will use a digital camera or some other form of media that gives the reader a more tangible context to my life, but until then, eat my words. Lastly, I will be relevant about all spheres of life as opposed to just the things that I find interesting. I hope to read stories about all facets of life and engage in activities that stretch me as a person and a blogger. It truly will cause me to be a member of a community as opposed to an elitist onlooker who gives his two cents. Those are my goals and promises and this is my chance to stratify my life into daily/weekly nuggets that will hopefully help me make sense of, "what went wrong," 40 years down the line.

May we get what we want, may we get what we need, but may we never get what we deserve.



  1. You're writing is engaging. I'm excited to read more! Welcome to the world of blogging. Fair warning - it can feel a little ego-tastic at times.

  2. i feel smarter after reading this. is that supposed to happen?

  3. nick. please change my name to Cru Jones if I ever make it into this virtual life of yours. Thank you.
